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      امسح الكل
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      امسح الكل
      نوع العنصر
  • الموضوع
      امسح الكل
  • السنة
      امسح الكل
  • المزيد من المرشحات
34 نتائج ل "Casini, Fabio"
صنف حسب:
The States debating on international security have to face an extremely alarming horizon. Two new elements characterize the present scenery: global Islamic terrorism and escalation of nuclear proliferation. The greatest danger is that terrorist organizations could obtain nuclear weapons. Nowadays there isn't a regional and localized terrorism but a new one with its generalized trans-national dimension, without frontiers and which is not easy either to identify or to cut off suddenly. Terrorism aims to destabilize countries and people, dominate media, politicians and Intelligence. Generally speaking, terrorism tries to unhinge international balances. We have to face a global terrorism which begets a globalized fear and threatens democracy and human rights. It is not easy for International Community to fight so an aberrant enemy. The United States, Russia, China, India, the pro-occidental regimes of the Islamic world, the European Union and, above all, the United Nations, have to create a security network in order to entrap the perils of terrorism all over the world. It is necessary to create a defensive and preventive system simultaneously based on force and cohesion between democratic governments, harmonization of the national legislations on terrorism, and intensive talks with Islamic countries. It's a process which needs time and perseverance: some steps have been achieved but it's indispensable that International Community tries hard to do something else.
The International Community in the Era of Global Terrorism
The States debating on international security have to face an extremely alarming horizon. Two new elements characterize the present scenery: global Islamic terrorism & escalation of nuclear proliferation. The greatest danger is that terrorist organizations could obtain nuclear weapons. Nowadays there isn't a regional & localized terrorism but a new one with its generalized trans-national dimension, without frontiers & which is not easy either to identify or to cut off suddenly. Terrorism aims to destabilize countries & people, dominate media, politicians & Intelligence. Generally speaking, terrorism tries to unhinge international balances. We have to face a global terrorism which begets a globalized fear & threatens democracy & human rights. It is not easy for International Community to fight so an aberrant enemy. The United States, Russia, China, India, the pro-occidental regimes of the Islamic world, the European Union &, above all, the United Nations, have to create a security network in order to entrap the perils of terrorism all over the world. It is necessary to create a defensive & preventive system simultaneously based on force & cohesion between democratic gov-ernments, harmonization of the national legislations on terrorism, & intensive talks with Islamic countries. It's a process which needs time & perseverance: some steps have been achieved but it's indispensable that International Community tries hard to do something else. Adapted from the source document.
A Comparison of the Well-Being of Agricultural and Non Agricultural Households Using a Multicriterial Approach
The territorial approach of rural development requires taking into account economic, social and environmental features. Therefore, among the goals of the rural development policy the well-being of the target population cannot be disregarded. However, well-being is a multidimensional phenomenon and its measure could be complicated since many indicators (with different scale, units of measure, burden, trends) have to be estimated and analyzed. With a composite indicator which summarizes a bulk of information this concern can be overcome. A multicriteria approach of aggregation is proposed because cardinal aggregation involving in undesirable compensatory property.
A Multicriteria Approach for Well-Being Assessment in Rural Areas
Maintaining an adequate quality of life in rural areas is fundamental to expedite processes of endogenous development of these areas. Policies applied in this sense require information tools that take into account the multi-dimensionality of the concept of quality of life and enable quantitative assessments of well-being. One of the greatest problems found in literature is that of succeeding in conjugating the theoretical approaches of well-being with coherent measurement methodologies. The goal of this paper is to propose a methodology that identifies conditions of an unsatisfactory quality of life on the territorial level, combining the theory of capabilities of A. Sen with tools of fuzzy analysis. This methodology thus proves to coherently combine the theoretical principles for defining the indicators with mathematical tools suited for aggregating and assessing them, thereby making it possible to work around and evaluate them, and allowing us to go beyond the traditional limits of the proposed models, such as the assumptions of substitutability and linearity in concisely evaluating the components of well-being. Moreover, the advantages of this model also include those of being flexible and transparent, which means it can be applied in diversified socioeconomic contexts and can be verified by stakeholders in the course of its principal phases of realisation. This methodology has been applied to the rural townships of Tuscany. The results have permitted us to point out the main causes of social exclusion and the strong relationships between levels of well-being, as they have been defined, and phenomena of population decline.
Can blockchain technology strengthen consumer preferences for credence attributes?
Consumers’ interest in product information, such as nutrition, environment, and social aspects, is increasing in the food market. Blockchain technology can enhance credibility of quality signals on labels through transparency and accountability in the supply chain. This study examines the impact of blockchain technology on reducing consumer uncertainty about credence attributes and facilitating informed choices. It is particularly relevant for food policies, as greater consumer awareness promotes proactive involvement in sustainability and public health. We conducted a choice experiment with 300 Italian consumers, focusing on craft beer and analysing how blockchain technology in strengthens organic and DOP certification. The results provide valuable insights for producers and policymakers to develop voluntary approaches that engage society in objectives that concern the collective well-being. They highlight the potential of blockchain technology in communicating credence attributes and empowering consumers. However, our study reveals that the impact of blockchain technology on choices is influenced by a different level of trust, likely due to the complexity of understanding its functioning.